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My Augments - Black Ops 6

These are all of the major and minor augments that I use in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies. Not all of them are min-maxed for damage or survival, see Deadshot’s use of Dead Draw, but these are what I’m running almost all of the time.


Item Category Major Augment Minor Augment Notes
Jugger-Nog Jugger-Nog Perk Probiotic - Slightly increase maximum health with Jugger-Nog. Hardened Plates - Armor plates have more damage mitigation. This combination simply maximises your survivability.
Quick Revive Quick Revive Perk Dying Wish - On lethal damage, become immune to all damage for 2 seconds and keep 1 health. Quick Revive is removed on use. This can be done up to 3 times. Karmic Return - Reviving an ally heals you to full health. Dying Wish is simply a better major augment than Equivalent Exchange. Both essentially act as the classic Quick Revive, but Dying Wish skips the whole going down part.None of the Minor augments are particularly exciting, so Karmic Return is just handy for getting some risky revives off in co-op.
Speed Cola Speed Cola Perk Supercharged - Field Upgrades recharge a bit faster. Quick Swap - Swap weapons faster. Reloading isn't as big a deal since you can do so while sprinting, so getting Field Upgrades ready faster is more practical. Quick Swap was inspired by the pain of trying to pull out the Jet Gun in sticky situations at the speed of a tortoise.
Stamin-Up Stamin-Up Perk Dasher - Increase Tactical Sprint duration. Hard Target - While Tactical Sprinting, projectile damage is reduced. I have no use for fall damage immunity or walking faster while aiming (I prefer hip-fire), so Dasher is the only major augment that's helpful. None of the minor augments are great, but reducing the damage from Manglers while you're Tac Sprinting for your life can come in handy.
PhD Flopper PhD Flopper Perk Dr Ram - Tactical Sprint knocks down and damages base zombies. Tribologist - Sliding distance and speed are increased. Ramming into zombies while sprinting is useful when they're in your way, and the slide speed boost can be used to dodge ranged attacks.
Deadshot Daiquiri Deadshot Daiquiri Perk Dead Head - Further increase critical damage. Dead Draw - Reduce hip-fire spread. Dead Head is more versatile than Dead First across all weapons and rounds. I use Dead Draw simply because I love hip-firing, but Dead Break is better for the armour damage increase.
Vulture Aid Vulture Aid Perk Parting Gift - Vulture Aid ammo drops give more ammo to Wonder Weapons. Picky Eater - On death, zombies have a higher chance of dropping your current equipment. Literally none of the augments for Vulture Aid are that good. I use Parting Gift because the gas clouds are too niche in their uses, and Picky Eater to enable more consistent use of equipment.
Elemental Pop Elemental Pop Perk Electric Cherry - Reloading creates an electric discharge that damages and stuns nearby normal enemies. The more empty the magazine, the stronger the damage. Chill Berry - Slightly reduce all Ammo Mod cooldowns. I consider Elemental Pop as "free damage," so Electric Cherry and Chill Berry are the best ways of facilitating that style.
Melee Macchiato Melee Macchiato Perk Vampiric Extraction - Melee attacks heal a small amount of your health. Stick 'n Move - Backpedal speed is increased after a successful melee attack. When meleeing, you're going to take damage. In such a niche playstyle, these augments let you get the most out of it. If using a weapon like a rocket launcher, Hidden Impact is also great for getting free ammo.
Dead Wire Dead Wire Ammo Mod Lightning Strike - A bolt of lightning strikes from above, stunning all normal and special enemies in the area. Haste - Dead Wire cooldown is slightly reduced. The lightning strike is strong and satisfying. I will always opt for reduced cooldown on Ammo Mods to make sure they're up as often as possible.
Napalm Burst Napalm Burst Ammo Mod Firebomb - Burned enemies explode on death, spreading the fire to nearby enemies. Incendiary - Each damage tick has a small chance to spread to a nearby enemy. Firebomb and Incendiary combine well to make sure as many zombies as possible are effected.
Cryo Freeze Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod Ice Cloud - Enemies that are killed while frozen may leave a cloud that slows enemies. Liquid Nitrogen - Significantly increase your chance for Cryo Freeze to activate. Cryo Freeze is my favourite ammo mod, and Ice Cloud lets it effect as many enemies as possible. Liquid Nitrogen increases the activation chance so much that you'll be slowing down every other zombie.
Brain Rot Brain Rot Ammo Mod Pheromone - The charmed enemy distracts nearby normal and special enemies for a short time. Explosive - Charmed enemies explode at the end of Brain Rot's duration, dealing toxic damage. I would have loved to use Plague and Haste instead, but the AI is so bad that it struggles to get kills. Pheremone and Explosive combine to make a nice mini-monkey bomb.
Shadow Rift Shadow Rift Ammo Mod Explosive Rain - Enemies that are dropped from portals will explode on contact with the ground. Targeted - Dropped enemies will fall on other enemies. These augments combine well to maximise the damage output.
Light Mend Light Mend Ammo Mod Antibiotic - The healing glyph now damages enemies that touch it, but its lifetime is reduced. Longer Life - The healing glyph's lifetime is increased. I have no need for more healing, so this combination get the most of what little damage it can do.
Energy Mine Energy Mine Field Upgrade None Extra Charge - Increase Max Charges by 1. Somehow all of the major augments just make Energy Mine worse... Extra Charge also allows you to still charge another use while waiting for the right moment to use your currently charged one.
Frenzied Guard Frenzied Guard Field Upgrade Retribution - Trigger an explosion on activation. Normal enemies that melee you are damaged and knocked down. Extension - Increase Frenzied Guard duration. This combination lets you get the most out of Frenzied Guard's effects.
Dark Flare Dark Flare Field Upgrade Extension - Significantly increase Dark Flare duration. Extra Charge - Increase Max Charges by 1. Extension lets you kill the most enemies, and Extra Charge allows you to still charge another use while waiting for the right moment to use your currently charged one.
Healing Aura Healing Aura Field Upgrade Resilience - All affected players have their health regen delay reduced and their rate of healing increased temporarily. Protection - Healed players have damage slightly mitigated for a short time. Healing Aura is only used when on medic duty, so this combination aids survivability the most.
Aether Shroud Aether Shroud Field Upgrade Group Shroud - Nearby players are also cloaked. Extra Charge - Increase Max Charges by 1. I don't like Burst Dash, so might as well use Group Shroud I guess... Extra Charge allows you to still charge another use while waiting for the right moment to use your currently charged one.
Tesla Storm Tesla Storm Field Upgrade Static Discharge - On activation, create a lethal surge of electricity around you. Lithium Charged - Increase Tesla Storm duration. Static Discharge is just a stronger version of Shockwave, and Lithium Charged maximises your Tesla Storm uptime.


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